Essential Job Site Performance…

Essential Job Site Performance…

February 1, 2015

You may or may not have caught our post on important interview questions that deal with safety and punctuality and skills, this is the last in the series and certainly, if you have ever had to work with any of these “types” of workers, one of the most significant….

The question simply put is, “What type of Job Site Performer are YOU?” Make no mistake here, we are not taking about job related trade skills, we are talking about the all important question, when on the job site, what type of singer are you?

As insignificant as it may seem to some….ANYONE who actually works all day on a job site where there are trades that fall into any of these five categories, will take solace in an employer who tries to weed out the chaff from the wheat, early on in the interview process or, at the very least, uses it as a warning to others.

The categories, although they can vary region by region, go pretty much like this:

1) The Mumbler: Quiet by nature and typically focussed on their work, “The Mumbler” annoyingly sings along to songs only to have a variable pitch that is audible only to the job site dog at times and that easily drowns out the router that needs to be replaced at others. There seems to be not pattern or flow to the varied pitch making it all the more puzzling, frustrating and distracting. Mumbler, HEAR this! As my Dad used to say when I was learning to play the Recorder in Grade 6….”can you play SOLO….so – low that I can’t here?” Nuff said.

2) The Loud “Weird Al Is My Hero” singer: Possibly the most obnoxious of ALL the types of job site performers is the misguided “site performer” that wails out, among MANY other things,   ” ‘scuse me while I kiss this guy…” every darned time “All along the Watchtower” plays on the radio.. and STILL thinks it’s funny! You know what’s funny “Al” – just about anything that isn’t YOU changing the lyrics to the rock and roll we hold dear to our hearts as the soundtrack of our workday.

3) The “Wikelyricist”:  This character is not quite as bad as “Al” above, because this misguided crooner is at least showing appreciation for the craft, the sound-track of success, the flow of the work site. However, a close second to “that guy” who changes all the lyrics into silly bathroom humor, is the “other guy” who, through hearing impairment, possibly due to not using hearing protection in his youth,  ( see the first safety blog pls.) seems to have no REAL idea what the lyrics to the song he is unabashedly belting out, actually are? “Wikelyricist” pay attention! Your voice is good, your intentions are true, but your “source” for lyrics cannot come from the same sites that are tracking Bigfoot! Step up and sing it right, “the Mumblers” are watching and the rest of us are wearing ear plugs…while PAINTING!

4) The Dangerous Percussionist: Not really a singer but certainly enough to strike fear into the heart of any passenger that just wants to live to get to the job site. BOTH hands on the wheel please. And while we are at it, wrenches make lousy drumsticks and paint cans make splattery drums! You are off beat anyway! Anyone who gives this guy TWO pencils for his pouch has to work with “Al” for a week!

5) The Chorus Joiner: Quite possibly the ONLY type of Job Site Performer you should actually admit to being in an interview process. From the beginning of good old Rock and Roll, there have been songs that have a chorus. Thank the heavens! They are usually catchy and easy to remember. MOST of the people of the job site are able to join in and belt it out and all feel good after. I have always thought of them as a magical temporary BONDING moment in the heat, of what can be very long days. So enjoy them and be proud. Work on your chorus mastering and be ready to join a crew that will love you for your work, and for your Job Site Performance.

PS – this BLOG was in no way inspired by painting with my wonderful life partner and wife all morning….. #cantturnituploudenough